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Robotic Femto LASIK Eye Surgery

Highly effective laser procedure to treat conditions including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism
What is Robotic Femto LASIK ?

Robotic Femto LASIK is a form of LASIK(Laser-Assisted-In-Situ-Keratomileusis) surgery performed using a femtosecond laser for treating refractive issues. In the procedure, the eye’s top layer is folded back to access and recontour the tissue beneath. The cornea gets reshaped during the procedure so that the light that passes through the cornea falls correctly at the back of the eye, resulting in proper vision.


In LASIK, the doctor cuts off a slice of tissue which results in a flap being formed at the front of the eye. Through this flap the doctor can access the inner corneal tissues with the aid of an excimer laser.

In Femto LASIK procedure, the flap is created using a femtosecond laser. This near-infrared laser is short-pulsed. It enables high intensity during extremely short pulse durations- within just a few femtoseconds, in fact. This property enables extremely precise incisions to be made in the corneal tissue but without affecting the tissue in the surroundings.

Once the flap is folded back, the eye can be treated with an excimer laser to correct any refractive error. Only the tissue that needs to be removed gets ablated with the laser while the surrounding tissue remains intact.

Once this is done, the eye is covered with a bandage lens. This is left on till the epithelium grows again- typically, this takes a few days. However, complete recovery of vision could take about a month or in some cases, even longer. Compared to some other laser surgical methods, the recovery time is longer for PRK.

1. Applying anaesthesia
Surgery could be numbed prior to the procedure. This brings down the pain the patient experiences during the surgery. To keep the eye from blinking during the procedure, an eyelid holder is applied.  
2. Forming the flap
Loosening the epithelium: An alcohol solution is applied to help loosen the upper layer of cells. 
3.Shifting to excimer laser
Epithelium removal: The doctor completely removes the epithelium using a special surgical tool.
4.Reshaping the cornea
Cornea reshaping: Depending on the structure of your eye, the corneal tissue will be contoured using an excimer laser. This will result in the cornea assuming a new shape. This enables the light that travels through it to fall on the right place so that you can see clearly. 
5.Repositioning the flap
Application of bandage lens: Drops of special fluid with rinsing and soothing properties are applied on the cornea after the application of laser. Also, once the surgery is over, the doctor covers the eye with a bandage contact lens. This enables healing and provides comfort to the eye. 

Why choose Robotic Femto LASIK?  

Robotic Femto LASIK has many benefits which make it a great choice for refractive corrections

Trusted solution

LASIK procedure has been a standard treatment for more than two decades now. Tried and trusted, this procedure continues to deliver reliable results.

Fast recovery

Usually, it takes just a couple of hours for the patient’s vision to start getting sharper after the surgery. The vision stabilises gradually in the weeks after the surgery.

Easily available

LASIK is the most common form of laser eye surgery in the present day. You can easily avail the procedure from  experienced doctors using high quality devices.

How to prepare for Robotic Femto LASIK?

Cease to use hard contact lenses for a minimum of four weeks before the procedure. For soft lenses, the equivalent duration is two weeks. This is so that the lenses wouldn’t interfere with the diagnostic tests that need to be administered before the procedure.

You should not use lotion, perfume or any makeup either on the day of the procedure on the day before. Such products could leave remnants close to the eye  and eyelashes. That raises the possibility of an infection. 

Make sure to arrange for transportation that doesn’t involve you driving after the surgery, and also for the days that immediately follow.  

Care after the procedure

For maximum efficacy of the procedure, the following aspects are usually recommended for after the procedure


Do not rub the eye in question. Also, avoid overexertion of any kind, and get ample rest.  


Do not partake in strenuous contact sports for a minimum of two weeks since the procedure.  


To keep the flab from being moved by mistake while rubbing the eye, wear protective eyeglasses on the day after the procedure.  


Doctors usually ask for a follow up appointment on the day after the procedure, and once more for a month afterwards. 


To prevent accidental scratching of the eye, thereby getting the flap moved, wear an eyepatch when you sleep, for a week after the procedure. 


Typically, patients are able to work, drive and use make-up in just a few days after the procedure. 


Apply eye drops on the eye that has been operated on for some days after the procedure. This not only prevents dryness but also helps prevent infection.  


Do not partake in strenuous contact sports for a minimum of two weeks since the procedure.  


Doctors usually ask for a follow up appointment on the day after the procedure, and once more for a month afterwards. 


Typically, patients are able to work, drive and use make-up in just a few days after the procedure. 

Are there side effects to Robotic Femto LASIK?

Side effects and risks form a part of any surgical procedure. However, after the requisite tests are conducted, your doctor could identify any potential risks and determine your eligibility for Robotic Femto LASIK.

Some of the most common side-effects of the procedure include the following:  

Dry eye syndrome :

Some people develop this symptom in the aftermath of a LASIK procedure. This could happen because of the nerves that get cut during the procedure which could lower the rate at which the patient blinks. Also, it could result in inadequate signals being relayed to the tear ducts. If the patient blinks less than normally, the tear fluid in the eye could evaporate that much faster. This in turn leads to the eye getting drier.  A dry eye can not just cause you some discomfort, it can also affect your visual clarity. However, typically the vision improves or the problem resolves over a period of time.

Compared to conventional LASIK, what are the advantages of the Femto LASIK method?

The key difference between the two methods is in the manner in which the flap is created on the cornea. In conventional LASIK, a mechanical device called microkeratome is used for this. But in Femto LASIK, a laser is used for the same.  Compared to using a mechanical device, laser affords a far more accurate and predictable way to create the flap. 

After LASIK procedure, would the patient’s sight be as good as if they used contact lenses or prescription glasses?

Not every patient would gain 20/20 vision after having a LASIK procedure. At the same time, a global review of the procedure conducted in 2009 shows that over 95% of patients who underwent LASIK from 1995 to 2003 were satisfied with the result of the procedure.  

What is the average duration of LASIK procedure? What is the recovery time involved and how quickly can a patient return to their regular routine?

The procedure itself takes only about five minutes to complete. The patient would be able to go back to their regular routine in a day or two. The complete recovery time would differ from patient to patient. Nonetheless, the flap becomes stable in just a few days. As for the patient’s vision, it would take a few days to stabilise since surgery.  Usually, doctors would ask the patient to come in for a follow-up exam on the day after the procedure, and a month since the procedure.